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Description: makefile例子
Platform: | Size: 38400 | Author: zhaiyuanyi | Hits:


Description: LinuxUnix的makefile文件.rar-LinuxUnix the makefile document. Rar
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 充分理解,文件之间的关系,和makefile的用途。-full understanding of the relationship between documents and makefile purposes.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: | Hits:

[Documents跟我一起写 Makefile

Description: 关于写makefile文件的比较全的教程-write makefile documents on the comparison of the entire handbook
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 大黄 | Hits:

[Linux-UnixMakefile 中文教程

Description: 文件名:Makefile 中文教程.pdf,linux/unix下编程的人不懂makefile就等于是白痴,不想做白痴的linux程序员,就先载分看看吧,-filename:Guide book of Makefile(CHINESE EDITION).pdf, if the programer under linux/unix doesn t know about makefile, he is no more than an idiot, if you don t want to be an idiot linux programmer, download it an take a look at it, hoho.
Platform: | Size: 509952 | Author: 张维成 | Hits:

[Other『 技术专区 』 - 如何写makefile

Description: 在linux下如何编写多文件C程序的makefile文件,介绍器一般规则急用法-in how many documents the preparation procedure makefile C introductory document for urgent use general rules
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 伍的 | Hits:


Description: linux unix makefile 编写指南-guidelines for the preparation of unix makefile
Platform: | Size: 344064 | Author: jay | Hits:


Description: Linux下Makefile的automake生成全攻略,对make还不是太清楚的朋友可以看看!-Linux Makefile whole generation of automake Raiders, right make is not too clear you can see!
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 周兆维 | Hits:


Description: 一本好书,在Linux下编写MakeFile的指南,帮助你快速入门-A good book, in the Linux Makefile prepared a guide to help you get started quickly
Platform: | Size: 509952 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Makefile中文教程pdf文档,linux环境下编程使用-Makefile Chinese Course pdf documents, linux programming environment to use
Platform: | Size: 509952 | Author: dqstar | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxmakefile.pdf

Description: 在Linux下编程时教你如何写makefile的资料,挺不错的。-Now Linux your understanding of leadership to meet the most时sleep 如写misstep makefile cavity collapse挺, 。 cavity Andrew Jardine
Platform: | Size: 869376 | Author: 劲草无香 | Hits:


Description: Linux 开发必须掌握的Makefile详细教材,通俗易懂.-Linux development must master Makefile in detail the materials, user-friendly.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: Hassim | Hits:


Description: linux下的make编程指南,详细描述了如何编写linux 下的makefile 文件-make under linux programming guide, a detailed description of how to write makefile file under linux
Platform: | Size: 923648 | Author: dalong | Hits:


Description: Linux 作一简单介绍,然后通过讲解 Linux 上进行编程的常识以及典型场景的 演示,使大家对 Linux 上的程序开发有一个感性认识。在此基础上,重点讲述 Linux 上 C 语言编程的基本工具,包括编译器和调试器,主要是它们的重要选项和基本用法。 接下来讲述在项目组织和开发过程中非常重要的工具,即 GNU make 和 makefile。 最后讲述 diff/patch 工具。 -Linux to make a brief introduction, and then passed on the Linux program on common sense and typical scenes of the demonstration, so that everyone on the procedures for the development of Linux has a perceptual knowledge. On this basis, the focus on Linux on C language programming of the basic tools, including compiler and debugger, mainly they are an important option, and basic usage. Next on the project organization and development process a very important instrument, that is, GNU make and makefile. Finally on the diff/patch tools.
Platform: | Size: 131072 | Author: ting | Hits:


Description: GNU Make的中文使用手册,linux/unix环境的Makefile的语法说明-GUN Make the Chinese user manual
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 大江 | Hits:


Description: linux下makefile的编写指南,学linux编程一定要学makefile!-linux under the guidelines for the preparation of the makefile, learning to learn linux programming makefile!
Platform: | Size: 489472 | Author: 王刚 | Hits:


Description: 学习makefile经典材料,linux编程必看.-Learning makefile classic material,a must for linux programming
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: zhicj | Hits:


Description: Linux下一个简单的Makefile文件的具体实现。可以使用其作为框架来编译自己的Linxu程序-Linux with a simple Makefile file under the concrete implementation. You can use it as a framework to compile your own programs Linxu
Platform: | Size: 538624 | Author: yuanmo | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxMakefile_write

Description: Linux下,makefile的编写方法,makefile对于刚接触Linux的新手而言是不容易入门的,尽量要找些权威的测试过的攻略才能慢慢掌握mskefile的要领-Under Linux, makefile preparation methods, makefile for beginners new to Linux, is not easy to get started, try to find some authoritative tested Raiders can slowly master the essentials mskefile
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 曹乐 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLinux-makefile

Description: linux下编写makefile的参考资料,详细说明了GCC和G++下的makefile编写。-Linux makefile produced under the reference material, detail the GCC and G++ of makefile writing.
Platform: | Size: 466944 | Author: 张留全 | Hits:
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